*** The articles listed below are generally covered by copyright. Those articles hosted here are done so by permission and should not be republished or used for commercial purposes. Links to external sources are provided where available. ***
- Nino C. Monea, Just How Paternalistic Is the VA? An Examination of the “Non-Adversarial” Veterans’ Benefits System, 126 W. Va. L. Rev. 77 (2023).
- Brianna Cox, Note, Just Because I’m Functional Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Hurting: Improving Mental Disability Compensation For Veterans, 32 Fed. Circuit B.J. 61 (2023)
- Benjamin Michael Stoflet, Note, From Healthcare to Hiring: Impacts of Social and Public Policy on Disabled Veterans in the United States, 36 J.L. & Health 63 (2022)
- Angela Drake et al., Review of Veterans Law Decisions Of The Federal Circuit, 2021 Edition, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 1619 (2022)
- Evan R. Seamone, Disability Compensation for the Psychological Impact of Race Discrimination: Lessons From the Board Of Veterans’ Appeals, 74 Admin. L. Rev. 309 (2022)
- Evan R. Seamone,
Beyond “Restoration of Honor”: Compensating Veterans for the
Psychological Injuries of the Gay and Transgender Bans, 28
Wm. & Mary J. Race, Gender & Soc. Just. 687 (2022)
- Taylor C. Spillers, Fighting the FTCA: Medical Malpractice, Veterans, and the VA, 74 Ark. L. Rev. 333 (2021)
- Angela Drake, Yelena Duterte, & Stacey Rae Simcox, Review of Veterans Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 2021 Edition, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 1619 (2022)
- Caleb R. Stone, Making the Best from a Mess: Mental Health, Misconduct, and the "Insanity Defense" in the VA Disability Compnesation System, 90 UMKC L. Rev. 661 (2022)
- Yelena Duterte, Duty To Impair: Failure to Adopt the Federal Rules of Evidence Allows the VA to Rely on Incompetent Examiners and Inadequate Medical Examinations, 90 UMKC L. Rev. 511 (2022)
- Caleb R. Stone, Making the Best From a Mess: Mental Health, Misconduct, and the “Insanity Defense” in the VA Disability Compensation System, 90 UMKC L. Rev. 661 (2022)
- Max W. Yarus, The Uncharted Waters of Veterans Class Actions, 9 Stetson J. Advoc. & L. 115 (2022) [read here]
- T. Nelson Collier, Honor of a Nation: Against the Veterans’ Legal Disability, 9 Nat’l Sec. L.J. 43 (2022) [download .pdf]
- Matthew D. Handley, Note, A Flawed Assumption: Why The U.S. Court Of Appeals For Veterans Claims Should Abandon Its Presumption Against The Certification Of Class Actions, 52 Seaton Hall L. Rev. 281 (2021)
- James Heaney, Note, Enlisting Support: Ensuring that Veterans Disabled by Service-Related Mental Illnesses Receive the Help They Deserve, 30 Fed. Cir. B.J. 193 (2021)
- Jeffrey D. Parker, As a Matter of Fact: Reasserting the Role of Basic Facts in Veterans Court Jurisprudence, 65 St. Louis U. L.J. (2021)
- Taylor C. Spillers, Fighting the FTCA: Medical Malpractice, Veterans, and the VA, 74 Ark. L. Rev. 333 (2021)
- Blair E. Thompson, The Doctor Will Judge You Now, 89 U. Cin. L. Rev. 963 (2021)
- Margaret Bartley, A New Chapter in Veterans Law, 70 Am. U. L. Rev. 1258 (2021)
- Angela K. Drake, Yelena Duterte, and Stacey-Rae Simcox, Review of Recent Veterans Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 69 Am. U. L. Rev. 1343 (2020)
- Jeremy R. Bedford, Other than Honorable Discharges: Unfair and Unjust Life Sentences of Decreased Earning Capacity, 6 U. Pa. J. L. & Pub. Affairs 687 (2021)
- Yelena Duterte, Splendid Isolation: VA’s Failure to Provide Due Process Protections and Access to Justice to Veterans and Their Caregivers, 29 J. L. & Pol'y 1 (2020)
- Jeffrey Parker, Thou Shalt Not Review the VA Rating Schedule: Has the Veterans Court Abided by This Subject Matter Prohibition?, 30 Fed. Cir. B.J. 1 (2020)
- David Ames, et al., Due Process and Mass Adjudication: Crisis and Reform, 72 Stan. L. Rev. 1 (2020)
- William Y. Chin, Serving Those Who Served: Providing Government-Funded Attorneys to Veterans Seeking Disability Benefits from The United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 54 U.S.F. L. Rev. 87 (2019)
- Jennifer D. Oliva, Son of Sam, Service-Connected Entitlements, and Disabled Veteran Prisoners, 25 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 302 (2018)
- Note, Chase Cobb, For Him Who Shall Have Borne the Battle: How the Presumption of Competence Undermines Veterans’ Disability Law, 25 Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just. 577 (2019)
- Note, Chadwick J. Harper, Give Veterans the Benefit of the Doubt: Chevron, Auer, and the Veteran’s Canon, 42 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 931 (2019)
- Hugh B. McClean, Delay, Deny, Wait Till They Die: Balancing Veterans’ Rights and Non-Adversarial Procedures in the VA Disability Benefits System, 72 SMU L. Rev. 277 (2019).
- Jeffrey Parker, Getting the Train Back on Track: Legal Principles to Guide Extra-schedular Referrals in VA Disability Rating Claims, 28 Fed. Cir. B.J. 175 (2019). [download .pdf]
- Note, Natsumi Antweiler, Creating an Unprecedented Number of Precedents at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, 60 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 2311 (2019).
- James D. Ridgway and David S. Ames, Misunderstanding Chenery and The Problem of Reasons-or-Bases Review, 68 Syracuse L. Rev. 303, 312 (2018)
- Beck Zucker, Transcending Limitations: Obstacles to Benefits For Transgender Veterans, 27 Fed. Circuit B.J. 321 (2018).
- Stacey-Rae Simcox, Thirty Years of Veterans Law: Welcome to the Wild West, 67 U. Kan. L. Rev. 513 (2019).
- Carolyn Ryan, The Common Law Solution to Gardner’s Presumption, 8 Veterans L. Rev. 24 (2016).
- Jessica Lynn Wherry, The Impossibility of Establishing Service Connection in Veterans Disability Compensation Claims when Records Are Lost or Destroyed, 83 Brook. L. Rev. 477 (2018).
- Bradford Adams and Dana Montalto, With Malice Toward None: Revisiting the Historical and Legal Basis for Excluding Veterans from “Veteran” Services, 122 Penn. St. L. Rev. 69 (2017).
- Michael J.Wishnie, “A Boy Gets Into Trouble”: Service Members, Civil Rights, And Veterans’ Law Exceptionalism, 97 B.U.L.R. 1709 (2017)
- Rabia Belt, Ballots for Bullets?: Disabled Veterans and the Right to Vote, 69 Stan. L. Rev. 435 (2017)
- Stacy-Rae Simcox, Thirty Years after Walters the Mission is Clear, the Execution is Muddled: A Fresh Look at the Supreme Court’s Decision to Deny Veterans the Due Process Right to Hire Attorneys in the VA Benefits Process, 84 U. Cin. L. Rev. 671 (2016)
- Michael J. Elizondo, Note, Justice Should Not Be a Lottery: An Examination of Disparate Outcomes in Hearing Loss Cases at the Veterans Court, 48 U. Pac. L. Rev. 139 (2016)
- Grace C. Brier, Note, How to Shrink a Growing Problem: Improving the System of Benefits for Obese Veterans, in Light of the American Medical Association’s Recent Classification of Obesity as a Disease, 26 Fed. Circuit B.J. 67 (2016)
- Jenny J. Tang, Reason and Equilibrium In Veterans Law: A Game-Theoretical Defense of the Standards that Determine the Scope of Claims, 25 Fed. Circuit B.J. 519 (2016) [download .pdf]
- Paul M. Schoenhard, 2015 Veterans Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 65 Am. U. L. Rev. 1059 (2016).
- Kaylee R. Gum, Note, Military Sexual Trauma and Department Of Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation for PTSD: Barriers, Evidentiary Burdens and Potential Remedies, 22 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 689 (2016)
- James D. Ridgway, Barton F. Stichman, & Rory E. Riley, Not Reasonably Debatable': The Problems with Single-Judge Decisions by the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, 27 Stan. L. & Pol'y Rev. 1 (2016) [download .pdf]
- Bradley W. Hennings, David E. Boelzner, & Jennifer Rickman White, Now is the Time: Experts vs. the Uninitiated as Future Nominees to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, 25 Fed. Cir. B.J. 371 (2016) [download .pdf]
- Stacey-Rae Simcox, Lightening the VA’s Rucksack: A Proposal for Higher Education Medical-Legal Partnerships to Assist the VA in Efficiently and Accurately Granting Veterans Disability Compensation, 25 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 141 (2016)
- David E. Boelzner, EAJA Fees for Reasons-and-Bases Remands: The Perspective of a Veterans’ Lawyer, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2015)
- Kerry Hubers and Jonathan Hager, Resolving the Ambiguities in 38 C.F.R. § 3.655: An Analysis of the VA Regulation Governing the Failure to Report for an Examination, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 15 (2015)
- James D. Ridgway, A Benefits System for the Information Age, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 36 (2015)
- George E. Sheets, The Effects of the Comptroller General’s 1954 Report to Congress Regarding the Compensation and Pension Program of the Veterans Administration, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 57 (2015),
- Jenny J. Tang, Getting to the Root of the It: Broadening the Scope of Claims after DeLisio v. Shinseki, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 73 (2015)
- Alice A. Booher, How Long Till Dawn: Memoirs of One of the Charter Members and Original Founders of the Resistance Movement in Algiers and a Member of the OSS During World War II, 7 Veterans L. Rev. 80 (2015)
- Daniel L. Nagin, The Credibility Trap: Notes on a VA Evidentiary Standard, 45 U. Mem. L. Rev. 887 (2015)
- Michael P. Allen, Justice Delayed; Justice Denied? Causes and Proposed Solutions Concerning Delays in the Award of Veterans’ Benefits, 5 U. Miami Nat’l Sec. & Armed Conflict L. Rev. 1 (2015)
- Victoria Hadfield Moshiashwili, The Downfall of Auer Deference: Veterans Law at the Federal Circuit in 2014, 64 Am. U. L. Rev. 1007 (2015) [download .pdf]
- Alexandra Besso, Veterans as Victims of Military Sexual Assault: Unequal Access to PTSD Disability Benefits and Judicial Remedies, 23 Buff. J. Gender, L. & Soc. Pol’y 73 (2015)
- Henry J. Loyer, Note, Military Sexual Trauma: Policy Analysis on Veterans’ Benefits Access in the Past, Present, and Future, 24 Fed. Circuit B.J. 493 (2015)
- Daniel L. Nagin, Goals vs. Deadlines: Notes on the VA Disability Claims Backlog, 10 U. Mass. L. Rev. 50 (2015)
- Eli Krafte-Jacobs, Note, Guamanian Veterans: Underserved After Years of Service, 42 N. Ky. L. Rev. 101 (2015)
- Margaret A. Costello, Contaminated Water at Camp LeJeune: Is Relief in Sight for Those Affected?, 9 Charleston L. Rev. 1 (2014)
- Vicki Franks, The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Rule 30(a): Amending the Rule to Allow Citation to Nonprecedential CAVC Opinions for Precedential and Persuasive Authority, 24 Fed. Cir. B.J. 157 (2014)
- Evelina M. Rene, Note, Gatekeeper or Examiner: Exploring the Role of the CAVC in Veterans’ Disability Cases and Ways to Reduce the Number of Remands, 24 Fed. Cir. B.J. 201 (2014)
- James D. Ridgway, Toward a Less Adversarial Relationship Between Chevron and Gardner, 9 U. Mass. L. Rev. 388 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Matthew Ivey, The Broken Promises of an All-Volunteer Military, 86 Temp. L. Rev. 525 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Alma Nunley, Note, Service Dogs for (Some) Veterans: Inequality in the Treatment of Disabilities by the Department of Veterans Affairs, 17 Quinnipiac Health L.J. 261 (2014)
- Victoria Hadfield Moshiashwili, Ending the Second 'Splendid Isolation'?: Veterans Law at the Federal Circuit in 2013, 63 Am. U. L. Rev. 1437 (2014) [download .pdf]
- David E. Boelzner, In Sight, It Must Be Right: Judicial Review of VA Decisions for Reasons and Bases vs. Clear Error, 17 Rich. J.L. & Pub. Int. 681 (2014)
- Patricia E. Roberts, From the “War On Poverty” to Pro Bono: Access to Justice Remains Elusive for Too Many, Including Our Veterans, 34 B.C. J.L. & Soc. Just. 341 (2014)
- Michael P. Allen, Veterans' Benefits Law 2010-2013: Summary, Synthesis, and Suggestions, 6 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Rachel T. Brant, Learning From an Ally: Can American Veterans Benefit From Lump Sum Payments and a Claim Submission Deadline?, 6 Veterans L. Rev. 80 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Sarah K. Mayes, Unraveling the PTSD Paradox: A Proposal to Simplify the Adjudication of Claims for Service Connection for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 6 Veterans L. Rev. 125 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Evan R. Seamone & David M. Traskey, Maximizing VA Benefits for Survivors of Military Sexual Trauma: A Practical Guide for Survivors and Their Advocates, 26 Colum. J. Gender & L. 343 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Whitney Bosworth Blazek, Note, Combating Privatization: Modifying the Veterans Administration Fiduciary Program to Protect Incompetent Veterans, 63 Duke L.J. 1503 (2014)
- Arthur C. Russo, Assessing Veteran Symptom Validity, 7 Psych. Inj. and Law 1 (2014) [download .pdf]
- Benjamin Pomerance, Fighting on Too Many Fronts: Concerns Facing Elderly Veterans in Navigating the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits System, 37 Hamline L. Rev. 19 (2014)
- Rachel Kleinpeter, Note, Hey, Soldier Don’t Breathe Too Deeply, You Never Know What Might Be in the Air, 23 Fed. Cir. B.J. 193 (2013)
- Kelly H. Koo & Shira Maguen, Military Sexual Trauma and Mental Health Diagnoses in Female Veterans Returning from Afghanistan and Iraq: Barriers and Facilitators to Veterans Affairs Care, 25 Hastings Women’s L.J. 27 (2014)
- Sanford J. Mall, The Future of Veterans' Benefits, 9 NAELA J. 167 (2013)
- Andrew Woodbury, Note, Witnesses to War: Using Lay Evidence to Assert a Veteran's Claim for Benefits, 23 Fed. Circuit B.J. 159 (2013)
- Lindsay I. McCarl, "To Have No Yesterday": The Rise of Suicide Rates in the Military and Among Veterans, 46 Creighton L. Rev. 393 (2013). [download .pdf]
- Craig M. Kabatchnick, Radioactive Veterans: A New Look at the Nuclear History of America, 14 Marq. Elder's Advisor 141 (2013)
- James D. Ridgway, Fresh Eyes on Persistent Issues: Veterans Law at the Federal Circuit in 2012, 62 Am. L. Rev. 1037 (2013) [available here]
- Reid C. Schweitzer, Note, Veterans Affairs Benefits for Sexually Assaulted Male Veterans, 19 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 637 (2013)
- Robert N. Davis, Veterans Fighting Wars at Home and Abroad, 45 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 389 (2013)
- James D. Ridgway, Recovering an Institutional Memory: The Origins of the Modern Veterans’ Benefits System from 1914 to 1958, 5 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2013) [available here]
- Eric C. Yarnell, Medals of Dishonor?: Military, Free Speech and the Stolen Valor Act, 5 Veterans L. Rev. 56 (2013) [available here]
- Michael P. Allen, Commentary on Three Cases from the Federal Circuit and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims as We Approach Twenty-Five Years of Judicial Review of Veterans’ Benefits, 5 Veterans L. Rev. 136 (2013)[available here]
- Corey L. Bosely and Bradley W. Hennings, A Proposed Approach to the BVA’s Clarified Hearing Duties to Explain and Suggest Pursuant to Bryant v. Shinseki, 5 Veterans L. Rev. 164 (2013) [available here]
- Bridgid Cleary and Michael Tooshi, Camp Lejeune Revisited: Strategies for Implementing aProgram of Benefits for Veterans’ Dependents, 5 Veterans L Rev. 201 (2013) [available here]
- Daniel J. Riegel, Note, Closing the 90/10 Loophole in the Higher Education Act: How to Stop Exploitation of Veterans, Protect American Taxpayers, and Restore Market Incentives to the For-Profit College Industry, 81 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 259 (2013).
- Michael D. Sant’Ambrogio & Adam S. Zimmerman, The Agency Class Action, 112 Columbia L. Rev. 1992 (2012) [available here]
- David Kimball Stephenson, Note, Economics and Austerity Relative to Veterans' Claims and the Veterans Appeal Process, 211 Mil. L. Rev. 179 (2012)
- Michael P. Allen, Due Process and the American Veteran: What the Constitution Can Tell Us about the Veterans' Benefits System, 80 U. Cin. L. Rev. 501 (2012) [available here]
- Robert G. Moering, Military Service Records: Searching for the Truth, 4 Psych. Injury & L. 217 (2011). [download .pdf]
- Mark D. Worthen and Robert G. Moering, A Practical Guide to Conducting VA Compensation and Pension Exams for PTSD and Other Mental Disorders, 4 Psych. Injury & L. 187 (2011). [download .pdf]
- James D. Ridgway, Mind Reading and the Art of Drafting Medical Opinions in Veterans Benefits Claims, 5 Psych. Injury & L. 72 (2012). [available here]
- Katherine Dubyak, Note, Close, But No Cigar: Recent Changes to the Stressor Verification Process for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Why the System Remains Insufficient, 21 Fed. Circuit B.J. 655 (2012).
- Paul R. Gugliuzza, Rethinking Federal Circuit Jurisdiction, 100 Geo. L.J. 1437 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Madeline McGrane, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military: The Need for Legislative Improvement of Mental Health Care for Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, 24 J. L. & Health 183 (2010).
- James D. Ridgway, Changing Voices in a Familiar Conversation about Rules vs. Standards: Veterans Law at the Federal Circuit in 2011, 61 Am. U. L. Rev. 1175 (2012) [download .pdf]
- James D. Ridgway, Equitable Power in the Time of Budget Austerity: The Problem of Judicial Remedies for Unconstitutional Delays in Claims Processing by Federal Agencies, 64 Admin. L. Rev. 57 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Brianne Ogilvie and Emily Tamlyn, Coming Full Circle: How VBA Can Complement Recent Changes in DOD and VHA Policy Regarding Military Sexual Trauma, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Jonathan Krisch, Judge, Jury and the Gate Keepter: vAdmitting and Weighing Expert Testimony in Veterans' Claims Adjudication and the Federal Courts, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 41 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Allison Lin, Warning: Don't Drink the Water : An Examination of Appropriate Solutions for Veterans Exposed to Contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Le Jeune, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 85 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Simone Coyle, Amy Ishizawar, and Holly Seesel, The Medical Examiner as Factfinder: The Effect of the Lay Evidence Doctrine on VA's Duty to Assist in Securing Medical Nexus Opinions, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 131 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Pamela Kravetz, Way Off Base: An Argument against Intimate Partner Violence Cases in Veterans Treatment Courts, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 162 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Hillary Bunker, Shera Finn, and Chaz Lehman, Reforming the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) to Maximize Veterans' Receipt of Benefits and Increase Efficiency of the Claims Process, 4 Veterans L. Rev. 206 (2012) [download .pdf]
- Meagan E. Fassinger, Note, Striking a Better Compromise: Suggested Revisions to the Agent Orange Act of 1991, 21 Fed. Circuit B.J. 193 (2011).
- Michael Serota & Michelle Singer, Veterans’ Benefits and Due Process, 90 Neb. L. Rev. 388 (2011).
- Linda D. Jellum, Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Reconciling Brown v. Gardner's Presumption That Interpretive Doubt Be Resolved In Veterans' Favor With Chevron, 61 Am. U. L. Rev. 59 (2011).
- Stacy L.Z. Edwards, Note, The Department of Veterans Affairs' Entitlement Complex: Attorney Fees and Administrative Offset after Astrue v. Ratliff, 63 Admin. L. Rev. 561 (2011).
- Ben Kappelman, Note, When Rape Isn't Like Combat: The Disparity Between Benefits for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for Combat Veterans and Benefits for Victims of Military Sexual Assault, 44 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 545 (2011).
- Bryan A. Liang & Mark S. Boyd, PTSD in Returning Wounded Warriors: Ensuring Medically Appropriate Evaluation And Legal Representation Through Legislative Reform, 22 Stan. L. & Pol'y Rev. 177 (2011)
- Linda D. Jellum, The Art of Statutory Interpretation: Identifying the Interpretive Theory of the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans' Claims and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 49 U. Louisville L. Rev. 59 (2010)
- Paul R. Gugliuzza, Veterans Benefits in 2010: A New Dialogue Between the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, 60 Am. U. L. Rev. 1201 (2011)
- Alexandra S. Haar, Note, Sweet Dreams Aren't Made Of These: How The Va's Disability Compensation Program Leaves Veterans Alone In The Nightmare Of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 88 Wash. U. L. Rev. 969 (2011)
- Lindsay I. McCarl, Note, The Case for Concurrent Veterans Benefits: Duplicative but not Duplicitous, 20 Fed. Cir. B.J. 409 (2011)
- Michael P. Allen, The Law of Veteran's Benefits 2008-2010: Significant Developments, Trends, and A Glimpse into the Future, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2011) [download .pdf]
- Linda D. Jellum, The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims: Has It Mastered Chevron’s Step Zero, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 67 (2011) [download .pdf]
- James D. Ridgway, The Splendid Isolation Revisited: Lessons from the History of Veterans’ Benefits Before Judicial Review, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 135 (2011) [download .pdf]
- Emily Woodward Deutsch & Robert James Burriesci, Due Process in the Wake of Cushman v. Shinseki: The Inconsistency of Extending a Constitutionally Protected Property Interest to Applicants for Veterans’ Benefits, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 220 (2011) [download .pdf]
- Lee Will Berry IV, Note, Standards of the Standards of Review, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 263 (2011) [download .pdf]
- Terrance T. Griffin & Thomas D. Jones, Note, The Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000: Ten Years Later, 3 Veterans L. Rev. 284 (2011) [download .pdf]
- Craig M. Kabatchnick, Obstacles Faced by the Elderly Veteran in the VA Claims Adjudication Process, 12 Marquette Elder's Advisor L.J. 185 (2011)
- Rory E. Riley, Simplify, Simplify, Simplify — An Analysis of Two Decades of Judicial Review in the Veterans' Benefits Adjudication System, 113 W. Va. L. Rev. 67 (2010) [download .pdf]
- James D. Ridgway, The Veterans’ Judicial Review Act Twenty Years Later: Confronting the New Complexities of Veterans Benefits System, 66 NYU Ann. Surv. Am. Law 251 (2010) [download .pdf]
- Contessa M. Wilson , Note, Saving Money, Not Lives: Why The VA's Claims Adjudication System Denies Due Process To Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and How the VA Can Avoid Judicial Intervention, 7 Ind. Health L. Rev. 157 (2010)
- Mark Duggan, et al., Federal Policy and the Rise in Disability Enrollment: Evidence for the Veterans Affairs' Disability Compensation Program, 53 J. Law & Econ. 379 (2010)
- Christopher Weiser, Guaranteeing Health Benefits for America's Wounded Soldier: Closing the Pre-Existing Personality Disorder Loophole, 20 Fed. Circuit B.J. 101 (2010)
- F. Don Nidiffer & Spencer Leach, To Hell and Back: Evolution of Combat-Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 29 Dev. Mental Health L. 1 (2010)
- Victoria L. Collier & Drew Early, Cracks in the Armor: Due Process, Attorney's Fees, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, 18 Elder L.J. 1 (2010)
- Miguel F. Eaton et al., A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Ten Federal Circuit Cases from 2009 that Veterans Benefits Attorneys Should Know, 59 Am. U. L. Rev. 1155 (2010).
- Michael Waterstone, Returning Veterans and Disability Law, 85 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1081 (2010)
- Jacob B. Natwick, Note, Unreasonable Delay at the VA: Why Federal District Courts Should Intervene and Remedy Five-Year Delays in Veterans’ Mental-Health Benefits Appeals, 95 Iowa L. Rev. 723 (2010)
- Benjamin W. Wright, The Potential Repercussions of Denying Disabled Veterans the Freedom to Hire an Attorney, 19 Fed. Cir. B.J. 433 (2009)
- Sara Fargnoli, Rebecca Feinberg, and Adriane Turnipseed, Note, Trend Toward Equality? A Comparative Analysis of the Treatment of Noncitizen Veterans in the Administration of Post-Service Benefits, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 261 (2010) [available here]
- Nathaniel Doan and Barbara C. Morton, Note, A New Era for Establishing Service Connection for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Proposed Amendment to the Stressor Verification Requirement, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 249 (2010) [available here]
- Bradley A. Fink, Presume Too Much: An Examination of How the Proposed COMBAT PTSD Act Would Alter the Presumption of a Traumatic Stressor's Occurrence for Veterans, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 221 (2010) [available here]
- Katherine Kiemle Buckley and Bridgid Cleary, The Restoration and Modernization of Education Benefits Under the Post-9/11 Veterans Assistance Act of 2008, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 185 (2010) [available here]
- John Fussell and Jonathan Hager, The Evolution of the Pending Claim Doctrine, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 145 (2010) [available here]
- Emily Woodward Deutsch and Terrence T. Griffin, Parsing the paperless Push: A Study of the Latest Efforts to Automate the Veterans' Claims Process, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 117 (2010) [available here]
- Rory E. Riley, The Importance of Preserving the Pro-Claimant Policy Underlying the Veterans' Benefits Scheme: A Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Structure of the Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Benefits System, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 77 (2010) [available here]
- Marcy W. Kreindler and Sarah B. Richmond, Expedited Claims Adjudication Initiative (ECA): A Balancing Act Between Efficiency and Protecting Due Process Rights of Claimants, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 55 (2010) [available here]
- James G. Reinhart, The Rule of Prejudicial Error and 38 U.S.C. §5103(a): What Led to the United States Supreme Court Decision in Shinseki v. Sanders and the Need for a Clear Standard of Prejudice, 2 Veterans L. Rev. 1 (2010) [available here]
- Thomas J. Reed, Parallel Lines Never Meet: Why the Military Disability Retirement and Veterans Affairs Department Claim Adjudication Systems are a Failure, 19 Widener L.J. 57 (2009)
- Craig M. Kabatchnick, The TBI Impact: The Truth about Traumatic Brain Injuries and Their Indeterminate Effects on Elderly, Minority, and Female Veterans of All Wars, 11 Marquette Elder's Advisor L.J. 81 (2009)
- Jennifer C. Schingle, A Disparate Impact on Female Veterans: The Unintended Consequences of Veterans Regulations Governing the Burdens of Proof for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Due to Combat and Military Sexual Trauma, 16 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 155 (2009)
- Alyson Sincavage, Note, The War Comes Home: How Congress' Failure to Address Veterans' Mental Health has Led to Violence in America, 33 Nova L. Rev. 481 (2009)
- Kristi A. Estrada, Note, Welcome Home: Our Nation's Shameful History of Caring for Combat Veterans and How Expanding Presumptions For Service Connection Can Help, 26 T.M. Cooley L. Rev. 113 (2009) [download Word copy here]
- William L. Pine & William F. Russo, Making Veterans Benefits Clear: VA's Regulation Rewrite Project, 61 Admin. L. Rev. 407 (2009)
- James D. Ridgway, Lessons the Veterans System Must Learn on Gathering Expert Witness Evidence, 18 Fed. Cir. B.J. 405 (2009) [available here]
- Alison Atwater, Note, When is a Combat Veteran a Combat Veteran?: The Evidentiary Stumbling Block for Veterans Seeking PTSD Disability Benefits, 41 Ariz. St. L.J. 243 (2009)
- Michael P. Allen, The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims at Twenty: A Proposal for a Legislative Commission to Consider Its Future, 58 Cath. U. L. Rev. 361 (2009) [available here]
- Phyllis L. Childers, VA Disability Appeals & 38 U.S.C. § 7105: Is the One Year Timeframe for the Filing of a Notice of Disagreement Excessive?, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 242 (2009) [available here]
- Jonathan Hager, VA’s Duty to Assist Incarcerated Veterans, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 231 (2009) [available here]
- Timothy J. McDonald, Reforming VA’s Medication Copayment Statute, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 222 (2009) [available here]
- Jeffery Parker, Two Perspectives on Legal Authority Within the Department of Veterans Affairs Adjudication, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 208 (2009) [available here]
- Emily Woodward Deutsch & Michael Donohue, The Role of the New Media in the Veterans Benefits Arena, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 183 (2009) [available here]
- James P. Terry, Gulf War Syndrome: Addressing Undiagnosed Illness from the First War with Iraq, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 167 (2009) [available here]
- James D. Ridgway, Why So Many Remands?: A Comparative Analysis of Appellate Review by the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 113 (2009) [available here]
- Daniel Brook, Motrya Mac & Nathaniel Doan, Federal Jurisprudence Regarding VA's Duty to Provide a Medical Examination: Preserving the Uniquely Pro-Claimant Nature of VA’s Adjudicatory System While Providing Timely Decisions, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 69 (2009) [available here]
- Shera Finn, Thomas Jones, & Barbara C. Morton, VA’s Duty to Assist in the Context of PTSD Stressor Verification: What Must VA Do to Fulfill the Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000?, 1 Veterans L. Rev. 50 (2009) [available here]
- Steven Reiss & Matthew Tenner, Effects of Representation by Attorneys in Cases Before VA: The “New Paternalism,” 1 Veterans L. Rev. 2 (2009) [available here]
- Rory E. Riley, Preservation, Modification, or Transformation? The Current State of the Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Benefits Adjudication Process and Why Congress Should Modify, Rather than Maintain or Completely Redesign, the Current System, 18 Fed. Cir. B.J. 1 (2008)
- Scott Simonson, Note, Back from War — A Battle for Benefits: Reforming VA’s Disability Rating System for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 1177 (2008) [available here]
- Jeffrey E. Marion, Getting Paid for What You Do: How to Obtain Attorney’s Fees in Veterans Cases, Winter 2008 AAJ-CLE 497 (2008)
- Michael P. Allen, The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Significant Developments (2004-2006) and What They Reveal About the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 40 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 483 (2007) [available here]
- Christopher Fugarino, Mandating Mediation for Cases Before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Can Improve the Efficiency of the Court and the Experience of the Parties, 16 Fed. Cir. B.J. 379 (2007)
- Jonathan Creekmore Koltz, Note, Unstacking the Deck: In Defense of the Veterans Benefits, Healthcare, and Information Technology Act of 2006, 17 Fed. Cir. B.J. 79 (2007)
- C. Robert Luthman, Note, Conway v. Principi, Mayfield v. Nicholson, and (Re?) Defining the Harmless Error Doctrine in Light of the Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000, 16 Fed. Cir. B.J. 509 (2007)
- David R. DiMatteo, Walters Revisited: Of Fairness, Due Process, and the Future of Veterans’ Fight for the Right to Hire an Attorney, 80 Tul. L. Rev. 975 (2006)
- John W. Egan, Note, The Department of Veterans Affairs and the Constitutional Implications of Judicial Review: Veterans’ Due Process Right to Hire Counsel, 16 Fed. Cir. B.J. 31 (2006)
- David J. Lowenstein and Jack Achiezer Guggenheim, Vetting the Appellate Standard of Review: What Was, What Is, and What Should be the Standard of Review Employed by the United States Court of Appeal for Veterans Claims, 27 Whittier L. Rev. 755 (2006)
- Matthew J. Dowd, Note, No Claim Adjudication Without Representation: A Criticism of 38 U.S.C. § 5904(c), 16 Fed. Cir. B.J. 53 (2006)
- William A. Moorman & William F. Russo, Serving our Veterans Through Clearer Rules, 56 Admin. L. Rev. 207 (2004)
- Sarah M. Haley, Note, Single-Judge Adjudication in the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the Devaluation of Stare Decisis, 56 Admin. L. Rev. 535 (2004)
- William F. Fox, Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Veterans Benefits System, 13 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 339 (2004) [available here]
- Richard E. Levy, Of Two Minds: Charitable and Social Insurance Models in the Veterans Benefits System, 13 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 303 (2004) [available here]
- Kenneth M. Carpenter, Why Paternalism in Review of the Denial of Veterans Benefits Claims is Detrimental to Claimants, 13 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 285 (2004) [available here]
- Ronald L. Smith, The Administration of Single Judge Decisional Authority by the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, 13 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 279 (2004) [available here]
Articles prior to 2004 are in the Article Index Archive